About Us

My Hydroponic Journey

My passion for hydroponic gardening started on an apartment balcony in Los Angeles.

I was fascinated with the idea of being able to grow food without soil. So, after watching a few YouTube videos about aquaponics, I built and experimented with an “i-barrel” system in which I grew mostly leafy greens.

Several years later, I moved into an even smaller apartment without a balcony, where I had my garden in the kitchen during the first pandemic lockdown. That’s when I learned to grow indoors using conventional hydroponic fertilizers and grow lights.

I experienced my first winter in 2020 after moving to Colorado Springs and have successfully maintained an indoor DWC garden since. 

So long as we have indoor heating, these easy setups keep us stocked with herbs and leafy greens regardless of season!

My Mission

My goal is for every household to have a means of producing some portion of its own food. I aim to make this a reality by building customized gardens for all spaces and budgets.

Having the knowledge and tools to feed ourselves makes us all more independent and therefore more free.

Hydroponic gardening is easier than you’d think and I look forward to sharing these skills with you!

Call today for a free estimate!