
Ready-made systems & accessories to get you growing!
*Large products are built to order and may require several days lead to deliver*

Hydroponic Systems


The simplest method of hydroponics in a convenient mason jar. Best suited for growing herbs on a windowsill.

8-site Deep water culture kit

Perfect for growing a side salad in your basement or near a big window, this compact system offers you regular harvests of leafy greens and herbs.

17-site drip tower

This tower garden packs 17 plants into a small footprint. It’s right at home near south-facing windows and on balconies (weather permitting). 

8-site Deep water culture expansion

Add 8 more plants to your DWC garden! 

Aquaponic Systems

IBC Chop & Flip

This popular DIY aquaponics system is a great starting point with real food-producing potential. It can be expanded into a larger system for more growing capacity in the future. Price includes delivery and installation (limitations apply) 

The minI

A miniature hobby system to learn the basics of aquaponics and grow a few plants in the process. Best powered by goldfish! 

Chop & Flip +1 Bed kit

Increase your capacity with an extra grow bed! Easy to assemble and integrate into your existing Chop & Flip system. Includes grow media, plumbing, and free delivery (limitations apply).

Outdoor Garden

RAised Bed 4x8

Comes with 40% shade cloth cover (doubles as hail cloth). 1/4″ hardware cloth (mesh fencing) keeps subterranean rodents out. Custom sizes, trellis, and staining available upon request.

 Free delivery (limitations apply).

Rain catchment barrel

Built with food-grade barrels. Can be configured for automated drip watering and winterized for snowmelt collection. 

Call today for a free estimate!